Placeholder text
Code Editor
<Input label="Label" placeholder="Placeholder text" />
Search text placeholder
Code Editor
<Input label="Search" type="search" placeholder="Search text placeholder" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} on_submit={({ value }) => { console.log('Submit:', value) }} />
Medium and stretched search input
Code Editor
<Input size="medium" type="search" stretch={true} value="Medium search value" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} />
Input with icon
With left / right aligned text
Code Editor
<Input label="Input with icon" placeholder="Input" label_direction="vertical" icon="check" bottom /> <Input label="Input with icon" label_sr_only placeholder="Input with a placeholder" icon_position="right" icon="check" align="right" />
Disabled input
Code Editor
<Input disabled label="Disabled input" placeholder="Disabled Input with a placeholder" />
With FormStatus
You have to fill in this field
You have to fill in this field
Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <Flex.Vertical> <div> <Input label="With FormStatus" status="You have to fill in this field" value="Input value with error" /> </div> <div> <Input label="With button" status="You have to fill in this field" value="Input value with error" type="search" /> </div> </Flex.Vertical> </Provider>
Input with suffix and custom label component
Code Editor
<Input label={<Span className="dnb-p--lead">Fødselsnummer</Span>} label_direction="vertical" autocomplete="on" placeholder="Placeholder text" suffix={ <HelpButton title="Info" size="large"> Some content </HelpButton> } on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) }} />
in horizontal flex and a long label
Stretched Status message
Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <FieldBlock label="Long label labwl Adipiscing mauris dis proin nec" forId="input-id" > <Input id="input-id" value="I stretch ..." stretch status="Status message" status_state="warn" /> </FieldBlock> </Provider>
Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)
Also, this example manipulates the value during typing.
Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)
Code Editor
<Input label="Label" autocomplete="on" placeholder="Placeholder text" status="Numbers are using DNB Mono (monospace)" status_state="info" value="1234567890" on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change', value) return String(value).toUpperCase() }} />
Submit Form with Input
Pressing the enter key will trigger a submit.
Code Editor
<Form.Handler onSubmit={(event) => { console.log(event) }} > <FormLabel forId="search">Label</FormLabel> <Flex.Horizontal align="baseline"> <Input id="search" type="search" value="Input ..." selectall={true} on_submit={(event) => { console.log('Input.on_submit', event) }} on_change={({ value }) => { console.log('on_change:', value) }} /> <Form.SubmitButton /> </Flex.Horizontal> </Form.Handler>
Input with clear button
Pushing the clear button will clear the input.